Over the past few months we have seen the lake water level drop dramatically to levels not seen for the past few decades. The low levels also meant the pelicans were having a smorgasbord feeding on any turtle and water fowl hatchlings, plus a vast array of fish who were now within easy reach. Fortunately for us we operate in the deeper parts of the lake thus have still managed to keep sailing, albeit in muddy water.
Read MoreA good attendance of 35 members gathered at the Warren Lake Hall in Woodlands on 8th December for the End of Year Award Presentation and Luncheon. A total of 24 awards of club medallions were made along with 4 Club Championship perpetual trophies
Read MoreThe 2024 IOM World Championships are being contested in Gladstone, Queensland between 20th and 28th October with all races being streamed live on their YouTube channel. Skippers are encouraged to watch how the experts do it by following this link : https://www.youtube.com/@IOMWorlds24
Read MoreA West Australian photographer and journalist were passing by Jackadder Lake one day when they saw the mob assembling for the day's racing and, being such a beautiful bunch, couldn't resist a photo opportunity!
The real reason of course, was something much more sinister - they were after quotes from some of our members relating to the recently announced proposal of Federal Government's changes to the Aged Care system.
Read MoreAfter atrocious weather caused the racing to be abandoned on August 17th, a rescheduled memorial race was held on 31st August and it was very well attended by both IOM and DF95 classes even attracting 3 DF sailors from other clubs, very befitting of a memorial race to a very dear colleague. With 14 of each class on the water using the 2 on/ 2 off principal, PRO Bruce Robins and his helpers had their work cut out with veering, light winds causing chaos and many stern words to the wind gods. Only 6 races per class were managed but, given the conditions, that was a good effort.
Read MoreDespite all attempts by the weather gods to dampen spirits and stop the racing, both fleets managed 10 races with all participants filling their stomachs and enjoying a cold but convivial day of friendly competition
Read MorePRSC sailing at Jackadder features on a City of Stirling garbage truck!
Read MoreHave you noticed how shore-bound skippers 'lean' in an attempt to feel at one with their boats?
With thanks to Mal for the great pic!
Read MoreRecent press releases on radio sailing from Post May 11 and Sunday Times May 5 2024
Read MoreThe original format of skippers swapping boats for every race returned to Jackadder but using DF95s instead of the original IOM boats. All participants seemed to enjoy the convivial atmosphere and the challenge of racing a differently tuned boat, proving once more that skipper's skill is more important than boat tuning. This fact is even more pronounced given all boats are identical, unlike the IOMs where different hull designs could be construed as providing the difference in boat performance.
Read MoreAn impressive turnout with some new faces, old jokes, surprise winners, great food and overall good company
Read MoreNovember 11th and 12th saw a field of 16 boats split into two fleets using HMS due to fluky wind conditions at Champion Lakes. Greg Torpy wins ahead of Sean Wallis and Adam Viney.
Read MoreThree PRSC members competed in the 2023 DF95 State Championships with Justin McAullay achieving a very credible 4th position, Bruce Quail and Bruce Robins coming in 9th and 10th respectively out of a total field of 18. The event was won by Nick Jerwood of Wanderers
Read MoreWhat causes a yacht to 'fall over' in the water? Loss of keel bulb perhaps? Something more sinister?
Read MoreWith an outstanding turnout on the day of 15 IOMs and 13 DF95s the day was a huge testament to how well thought of Brent was in this and other clubs, a valuable member who is sorely missed. Brent was innovative, always willing to assist or offer advise to those willing to learn and although he was the Club Champion in 2022, he was more interested in having fun and socialising than the competitive side of sailing.
Read MoreDual fleets of IOMs and DF95s battled the weather gods to fit in a day of tricky racing for the 14th running of the Perth Classic. Presuming the adverse weather predictions for the day kept most visitors away but those that attended enjoyed the convivial atmosphere whilst providing great spectator entertainment.
Read MoreA revised format for the Perth Classic now incorporates both IOM and DF95 classes Enter here
Read MoreA few shots of the DF95 and IOM fleets sailing under the double rainbow
Read MoreLake Douglas on the South Perth foreshore has been used by PRSC for many years, both as an alternate venue to our home site of Jackadder Lake in the City of Stirling, and as a fallback for when Jackadder becomes unusable due to low water or excess weed.
Read MoreThe 2023 PRSC AGM was held at the Warren Lake Hall, Woodlands on the evening of May 9th. Attended by over 20 members, enticed there by the offer of free pizza, were inadvertently exposed to what turned out to be a superspreader event for Covid 19! It appears the Commodore, taking a leading position, went down with symptoms the day after and followed rapidly by a number of other members.
Read MoreThis weekend sees the start of the 2023 DF95 Globals at the famous Fleetwood Model Yacht Club in the UK.
With one of our own members, Bruce Robins, and Austin Lakes local, Andrew Donkin, competing at these worlds, keep abreast of the results and watch the final day's racing live using these links.
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The new format of mixed IOM and DF95 teams competing in relay races provided a jovial atmosphere amid showers and blustery conditions.
Read MoreAttached report from ALRS on recent successful DF95 event at Austin Lakes
Read MoreCongratulations to WA's own Sean Wallis on yet another victory at the Nationals, convincingly holding off Paul Jones from NSW and Alex Scapens from South Australia.
Read MoreThe 'expert' sailors at Jackadder were paid a visit on 2nd March by around 50 primary school children after learning about the First Fleet and then being given a project to build a boat that floated.
Read MoreNew Thursday & Saturday start time of 1:30pm and new format of 'two on, two off' adopted from 1st March
Read MoreThe annual PRSC Xmas Presentation and Luncheon was held at the Warren Lake Hall in Woodlands on 4th December. A convivial atmosphere with 3 perpetual trophies and 18 medallions presented
Read MorePRSC's latest rescue dinghy was first used at the Saturday 17th Sept race meeting at Jackadder. Read more for the full story
Read MoreThe sudden passing of Brent Field on 24th August was a great shock to us all. His smiling face and friendly nature will be sorely missed around the club.
The following is the text of the eulogy given by Bruce Quail on behalf of the PRSC members at his Celebration of Life held on 9th September 2022.
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A disappointingly small fleet contend the Perth Classic for it's 10th year, resulting in a closely fought contest in blustery winds but no rain.
Read MoreIt was great to see a fleet of 22 boats on the water (17 x IOMs and 5 x DF95s) for a relatively calm and typically fickle-winded day at Jackadder. We were pleased to be joined by a few of the Maylands sailors, primarily because the forecast NE winds are not good for their location. As it turned out, the afternoon at Jackadder produced as much frustration, with only a few races of light wind, the remainder of the eight being drifters.
Read MoreAfter a 2 year Covid-19 enforced hiatus, a newly filled Jackadder Lake saw us holding the Anzac Day Diggers Cup once more. With an apparent growing reluctance to follow tradition with swapping boats between skippers, the event was held as a regular regatta and we will work on devising a way to bring back novelty to the event for the future.
Read MoreJust a little bit of history from the local press, back in 1831 Jackadder Lake had a previous name - can you guess?
Read MoreIt was the first regional IOM event since the relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions and as expected Jackadder was a challenge!
Read MoreAfter being delayed by a week a small fleet of the elegant A Class yachts hit the water at Jackadder in a light WNW breeze.
Read MoreWith the absence of wind anticipated for the scheduled sailing of the 2020 Eric Fisher A Class Trophy regatta it was decided to re-schedule this event until 14 June 2020.
Read MoreEach week we are blessed with Bruce's magnificent art of using word play, opinions, exaggeration, irony, sarcasm, and other comedic themes to deliver the news of what to expect in the coming week of radio sailing!
Read MoreThis year, Perth Radio Sailing Club relocated the annual Bink Frayne Memorial A Class regatta to Austin Lakes in South Yunderup. Unfortunately, we could not be reasonably confident that our home lake at Jackadder would be covered in weed. This was the fourth running of the event following Bink’s passing.
Read MoreThe weekend of December 1 and 2 was the date for the WA IOM State Championship. The regatta was held this year in the lovely seaside town of Albany, which is a 4 and a half hour drive south of Perth. The locals were looking forward to welcoming the visitors and a great turn-out was evident.
Read MoreWinds from the NW -W -W SW as the day progressed. The light winds suited the two Venoms who we hard to beat. Thanks to PRO Rosco Bennett and Boatman Bruce Robins, who kept the day rolling despite some very difficult and frustrating conditions.
Read MoreAustin Lakes was the venue for the 2018 Western Australian Ten Rater Championships held on 27 October 2018. The lake is still the best radio sailing venue we have in WA and it turned on a beauty today. The sun was shining, the wind blowing, the water level was high and it was crystal clear…. all was well in the world.
Read MoreThe Annual General Meeting of Perth Radio Sailing Club will be held at the Perth Horse and Pony Club in Jon Sanders Drive on Wedneday 23 May.
Read MoreEleven skippers made the trek down to Busselton on the weekend of May 5 and 6 to join five skippers from Busselton and one from Albany for a weekend of IOM racing.
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