Please let the Secretary know when the goods have sold and/or the advert is no longer required.
Visitors are encouraged to also check on the RSAWA site as they carry a number of classifieds from other clubs around the state : RSAWA Classifieds
Alioth 3D design printed hull, A and B sails and rigs, RMG winch - $2,500
Call Ian Sherriff on 08 9593 1050 or email .
Ex Denton Roberts, repainted blue/silver
RMG winch, 2 x Futaba S9156 digital servos, Turnigy receiver
1 x long keel, 1 x short keel, 4 rigs
Just add deck patches and ready-to-sail
As is, where is (Joondalup,WA), $700.00
Email Len at